
Good COP, bad COP

This articule originally appeared in TOI+. Glasgow wasn’t a washout. But on coal, India gained little & let China get away. Climate change conferences follow a pattern: They never end on time; they make incremental progress, and there is always a last-minute drama that captures the headlines, drowning the overall assessment of the meeting. COP26 …

Good COP, bad COP Read More »

India must invest in its youth in coal areas for a just energy transition

After the announcement to attain net-zero by 2070 and the target to meet 50% of the energy needs from renewable energy sources at the ongoing climate conference- COP 26, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has created a hope about an effective pathway of climate action in the coming years. The pledges will mean massive decarbonization and …

India must invest in its youth in coal areas for a just energy transition Read More »

How India can meet its Glasgow promise: From reforming discoms to recruiting skilled energy managers, the list of reforms is formidable

This article originally appeared in TOI+. From reforming discoms to recruiting skilled energy managers, the list of reforms is formidable. On the first day of the Glasgow climate conference – COP26 – the biggest announcement came from India. Ending speculations on whether India ‘will’ or ‘can’ make a net-zero pledge, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced …

How India can meet its Glasgow promise: From reforming discoms to recruiting skilled energy managers, the list of reforms is formidable Read More »

COP26: Let us move from climate crisis to climate collaboration

This article originally appeared in TOI+. Glasgow will not solve the climate crisis but it can fast-track global climate collaboration. A great hype has been created around the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) at Glasgow. John Kerry, the US climate czar, has called this meeting the world’s “last best chance” to avoid climate hara-kiri. Similar …

COP26: Let us move from climate crisis to climate collaboration Read More »

The UNEP Production Gap Report’s call for a Just Transition is as timely as it is urgent

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and leading global research institutes released the Production Gap Report on Thursday.  The report raises clear concern on countries following their net-zero ‘pledge’. Most governments plan to produce more than twice the amount of fossil fuels in 2030 than would be consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C. As part …

The UNEP Production Gap Report’s call for a Just Transition is as timely as it is urgent Read More »

Climate: Reality Check

This article originally appeared in the Times of India. Transition from fossil fuels in India is a matter of politics, communities, federalism & jobs The latest IPCC report paints a grim picture of the future if the world fails to eliminate the use of fossil fuels over the next three decades. India will be disproportionately …

Climate: Reality Check Read More »

Just Transition in Coal: A Perspective from Jharkhand

This article originally appeared in Vol LVI No. 29 of the Economic & Political Weekly, published on 17 July 2021. The article discusses why it is an imperative for India to begin deliberation on a just transition from coal in light of some of the compelling factors. It then evaluates what a just transition in …

Just Transition in Coal: A Perspective from Jharkhand Read More »

Single-use-plastics bans have failed. Relying on command and control to fix environmental problems is taking us nowhere

The article originally appeared in The Times of India Exactly three years back, single-use plastics (SUPs) took centre stage in India when PM Modi, on June 5, 2018, announced that the country would completely phase out these products by 2022. Now, barely a year before the deadline, the Union environment ministry has issued a draft notification …

Single-use-plastics bans have failed. Relying on command and control to fix environmental problems is taking us nowhere Read More »

कोयला खनन का ढाई सौ साल पुराना कारोबार बदल जाएगा, इसके लिए अभी से नीतियां बनानी होंगी

This article was originally published in Dainik Bhaskar इंटर गवर्नमेंटल पैनल ऑन क्लाइमेट चेंज (आईपीसीसी) की 2018 रिपोर्ट के अनुसार 2050 तक कोयला आधारित विद्युत उत्पादन लगभग बंद होना है। यह ग्लोबल वार्मिंग को दो डिग्री सेल्सियस के अंदर रखने के लिए आईपीसीसी द्वारा सुझाए गए महत्वपूर्ण उपायों में से एक है। इस तरह कोयला …

कोयला खनन का ढाई सौ साल पुराना कारोबार बदल जाएगा, इसके लिए अभी से नीतियां बनानी होंगी Read More »

Become climate champions: India’s top family conglomerates must play a leadership role in its fight against climate change

The article originally appeared in The Times of India The private sector in India has traditionally avoided engagement on climate issues publicly. But this seems to be changing. On November 5, 2020, 24 leading companies signed a ‘declaration of the private sector on climate change’ to tackle the climate crisis. This is an important beginning …

Become climate champions: India’s top family conglomerates must play a leadership role in its fight against climate change Read More »

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