November 2023

So, what can Dubai do?

This article originally appeared in The Times of India COP28 will really test rich nations’ commitment to climate finance. Big Oil & Big Gas will be under severe scrutiny. There is always a hype build around the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference. Every Conference of the Parties (COP) is projected as a do-or-die meeting. …

So, what can Dubai do? Read More »

What pollutes India?: Biomass burning remains the biggest contributor, but its share is falling because of PMUY

This article originally appeared in Financial Express About 48% of these emissions come from the use of biomass, such as fuelwood and dung cakes, for cooking and heating. Air pollution is a pan-India problem. In 2022, the average PM2.5 levels across the country were 10.7 times higher than the WHO standard. This means that almost the …

What pollutes India?: Biomass burning remains the biggest contributor, but its share is falling because of PMUY Read More »

Clean air? Target cooking, not cars

This article originally appeared in Times of India Dust aside, biomass burning contributes most to PM2.5-led air pollution countrywide. Households are bigger emitters than farmers. Industry emissions come next Air pollution is a pervasive issue in India, with the Indo-Gangetic Plain suffering the most severe consequences. The severity of this problem is underscored by recent …

Clean air? Target cooking, not cars Read More »

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