March 2021

कोयला खनन का ढाई सौ साल पुराना कारोबार बदल जाएगा, इसके लिए अभी से नीतियां बनानी होंगी

This article was originally published in Dainik Bhaskar इंटर गवर्नमेंटल पैनल ऑन क्लाइमेट चेंज (आईपीसीसी) की 2018 रिपोर्ट के अनुसार 2050 तक कोयला आधारित विद्युत उत्पादन लगभग बंद होना है। यह ग्लोबल वार्मिंग को दो डिग्री सेल्सियस के अंदर रखने के लिए आईपीसीसी द्वारा सुझाए गए महत्वपूर्ण उपायों में से एक है। इस तरह कोयला …

कोयला खनन का ढाई सौ साल पुराना कारोबार बदल जाएगा, इसके लिए अभी से नीतियां बनानी होंगी Read More »

The Glasgow Ambition Cycle — Domestic Considerations

This article was originally published in Oxford Climate Policy Blog Political Summary Two 5-year cycles currently drive the implementation of the Paris Agreement (PA): one of communicating national targets (“Nationally Determined Contributions” NDCs) and one of taking stock of global efforts. In order to complete the ambition mechanism of the PA, which is critical for its full operationalisation …

The Glasgow Ambition Cycle — Domestic Considerations Read More »

Centre’s power on mining decisions increased under MMDR Amendment Bill 2021: What does it mean for DMF implementation?

The Government has introduced an amendment bill in the Lok Sabha on March 15, to further amend the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.  Amendments have been proposed on a number of issues related to mining, including auctions, clearance and permit validity of mine leases, functioning of District Mineral Foundation (DMF) Trusts, among …

Centre’s power on mining decisions increased under MMDR Amendment Bill 2021: What does it mean for DMF implementation? Read More »

Become climate champions: India’s top family conglomerates must play a leadership role in its fight against climate change

The article originally appeared in The Times of India The private sector in India has traditionally avoided engagement on climate issues publicly. But this seems to be changing. On November 5, 2020, 24 leading companies signed a ‘declaration of the private sector on climate change’ to tackle the climate crisis. This is an important beginning …

Become climate champions: India’s top family conglomerates must play a leadership role in its fight against climate change Read More »

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