Chandra Bhushan

Chandra Bhushan is one of India’s foremost public policy experts and the founder-CEO of International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology (iFOREST).

India’s Renewables Disparity

This article orriginally appeared in Financial Express ‘Price-equalisation’ policies, mirroring some pre-liberalisation schemes, are distorting spatial distribution of renewable energy generation Even a good policy with the best intentions can have unintended and adverse consequences. The Freight Equalization Scheme (FES) was one such policy meant to promote balanced industrial development throughout the country but ended …

India’s Renewables Disparity Read More »

Defining the environment sector

This article originally appeared in Financial Express The National Industrial Classification 2008 needs to be revised to capture all environment-related activities The environment sector provides a vast opportunity to create new jobs and build a green economy. For this, the environment sector must become an important economic sector.   What is the environment sector? How …

Defining the environment sector Read More »

Energy transition crucial

This article orriginally appeared in Orrisa Post Odisha is known for coal. It is the second biggest coal-producing state, and by 2030, it will be the country’s top coal-producing state. So naturally, Odisha’s electricity production is heavily reliant on coal. Presently, more than 90% of electricity comes from coal-based power plants; renewable energy (RE) sources …

Energy transition crucial Read More »

A coal economy to a green economy

This article orriginally appeared in Financial Express Just energy transition’ must Shape net-zero pathways for fossil-fuel-dependent districts. In the last 18 months, several modelling studies have been published on the costs and benefits of net zero emissions in India. A few days back, another modelling study was published, which projected that India will require an …

A coal economy to a green economy Read More »

पर्यावरण पर कैसा है हमारा रिपोर्ट कार्ड !

This article originally appeared in Navbharat Times पर्यावरण पर कैसा है हमारा रिपोर्ट कार्ड, जानें मौजूदा कानूनों और संस्थानों में सुधार क्यों है जरूरी | साल 2022 पर्यावरण के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण वर्ष है। संयोग से, आजादी के 25 साल पूरे होने के हफ्तेभर बाद, लोकसभा ने वन्यजीव (संरक्षण) विधेयक, 1972 पारित किया, जो स्वतंत्र …

पर्यावरण पर कैसा है हमारा रिपोर्ट कार्ड ! Read More »

No piecemeal solutions, please!

This artical originally appeared in Deccan Herald The year 2022 is important. It not only marks the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, but it also marks the 50 years of institutional environmentalism in India. Coincidently, a week after we celebrated 25 years of Independence, the Lok Sabha Sabhapassed the Wildlife (Protection) Bill, 1972, making it …

No piecemeal solutions, please! Read More »

Is the Environmental Performance Index really faulty?

This artical originally appeared in The Hindu While the methodology has issues, this is an opportunity for India to study where it stands Last month, India protested against its ranking on the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of 2022, prepared by researchers at the Yale and Columbia Universities in the U.S. The report measures 40 performance …

Is the Environmental Performance Index really faulty? Read More »

Plastic ban: The problem is not plastic, it’s single-use

This article originally appeared in The Times of India Multi-use products, not the material they are made of, are the key The nationwide ban on single-use plastic products (SUPs) that started yesterday comes on the heels of a two-decade-long effort. The first attempt was made in 1999 with the ban on thin polythene bags. Since …

Plastic ban: The problem is not plastic, it’s single-use Read More »

‘Made in India’ green rankings: India needs its own benchmark to track progress made on the environmental front

This article originally appeared in Financial Express GoI must support an independent benchmarking scheme to evaluate our environmental performance and track progress. Much debate has happened on the recently released Environmental Performance Index (EPI), in which India was ranked the worst country in the world. The Government of India (GoI) has rejected the ranking and …

‘Made in India’ green rankings: India needs its own benchmark to track progress made on the environmental front Read More »

The risk of playing god in fighting climate change

This article originally appeared in Times of India New disasters can happen if countries decide to unilaterally try technological fixes to global Warming. With record-breaking heatwaves hitting many parts of the world over the last few months, scientific circles have been hotly debating whether countries should prepare to deploy geoengineering technologies to deal with such …

The risk of playing god in fighting climate change Read More »

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